Friday, July 3, 2009

MIS Group - No Longer

This site has been created to allow MIS Group employees keep one another in the loop as the situation with our former company unfolds. Use the comments section to share contact information and help one another network as we look for new employment.


  1. Hello, Everyone-

    My contact information is
    Mbl - 214-914-4282
    hm office - 972-668-5322

    I wish everyone the best and we will be praying for you!

  2. Hi all! Best way to reach me is through personal email:

    Good luck everyone. :-)

  3. Hey guys -

    Contact Info -
    h - 214-459-0263
    c - 214-549-8000

    Good luck -


  4. Hey, I need to get health insurance for our family. I WILL pay my July insurance for MIS, hopefully others will do the same.

    Laura Madeira
    Office: 214-705-9192
    Cell: 214-288-6258

    I provide QuickBooks consulting as well as Master Builder consulting.

  5. Hi All! My contact info is below.
    cell 972-742-0273

    I will miss working with everyone so much! We poured our hearts into this place and hopefully will find something even beter in the future!

  6. Hello All. Please download all your adp check stubs and your ytd earnings. If you have 401K, you will note that you have missing contributions due to the "manual" checks. Also, I am not sure the HSA and all taxes have been paid in which could affect your unemployment. Another thing is if you worked past 6/15,... and did not get a 6/30 check... DO NOT put your last day as 6/15 which was suggested. I am using 7/6 as that is the "official" day we were notified. If you put down 6/15, you are in affect saying MIS is off the hook for the 6/30 pay check. just and FYI.

  7. Could someone post the adp website for check info?


    Laura Madeira

  9. We should all know that this is out there:

    Unfortunately, for a time our competition will benefit from this news.

    Laura Madeira

  10. Does anyone have an email for Tom Cofer? Thank you can post or email me directly.

  11. My contact information is:
    mobile: 214.557.4093

    Blessings to everyone!

  12. I have enjoyed working with you all and truly hope our paths cross again.
    MIS had the best of the best!
    My contact information;
    Cell - 469-766-8112

  13. Former MIS colleagues, I was sad (but not surprised) to hear the news this week of the company's demise. I've been in touch with a few individuals and have been absolutely shocked and horrified to hear how poorly this situation has been handled. I cannot begin to comprehend the chain of poor decisions and questionable behavior by the executive team that preceded all of this. It is completely incomprehensible to me that the company's final act of hubris was to steal from its employees.

    I wish you all the best during this very difficult time. There are companies out there that do things right, that treat people with dignity and integrity. I hope the short-sighted individuals who brought MIS down will be held accountable for the damage they have done, the lives and careers they have effected.

  14. I've just been sent an email solicitation for my 401k business from someone named Shannon Gregg at Edward Jones who claims she got my information from Marc Rossouw.

    Marc, if that's true, I think it's pretty low to be selling our contact info or getting referral commissions based on our misfortunes that you had a hand in. In the unlikely event that it's not true and they are using your name without your knowledge, you should probably go after this person at

    I would think you would realize that an attempt by any of the officers of MIS to distribute our names without our consent would be considered to be adding insult to injury and should be stopped immediately.

    Brian Dieckhoff

  15. Hey everyone! hope all is well with you guys!! Here is my contact information!

    214-962-9231 (cell)

  16. I thought my name would show up on the previous post....

    Danae Vargas
