Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Letter from MIS


You will probably receive the letter found using the link below in the next few days if you haven't already:



  1. Yep just got it. Not happy in the slightest right now.

  2. Me neither... this really puts the fire under you if you need to avert pre-existing condition clauses

  3. So, if the check did not clear, send me back my money that was pulled from my check.

    Anyway, dead issue: Here is what i think is the real story. Insurance companies give you a 30 day grace period for payment. If they recieved the check within the 30 days, this would not be an issue. If the check was overnighted on the 29th and did not get deposited until after the 30th of May. I bet that is what happen! That is why MIS Group missed the payment.

    So what to do from here?

    The next step is to call the Texas Department of Insurance. 512-322-2503 to see if you recourse there is if any? Maybe they will help with payment of the bills, who knows! I have a lot of bills headed my way forsure! Lets us all know if anyone has success with this approach.

    Good Luck to all!
    Jeff W.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I didn't expect any news organization to really care about a smallish company going over and screwing over the employees left. Stinks, but not so uncommon anymore.

    But now... throw in people who were doing the "right" things... employed, insured, taking care of their health and their children's health... add a couple of sick babies and bankrupt parents because of some procedure in June... people might sit up and take notice.

    If you're inclined to support the government's healthcare initiatives, now might be an excellent time to start calling senators and congressman with this story.

    I know there's a couple of people hacking and coughing right now while they are between insurances. They can't afford to get their normal medications. So, add some heart attacks and strokes to the (theoretical) sick babies and bankrupt parents.

    This is what is f'd about healthcare. I didn't have MIS health insurance, thank goodness, but it's still completely screwed up that this happens.
